Sunday, November 17, 2013

no. 2: solo sam does the coffee shop

this week I did the whole coffee shop breakfast thing. if you're like some people, I won't mention names (mom and dad), and think this isn't a big deal, well you're wrong and you need to just relax. it's huge for me. really anything that I do alone is huge for me -- thus this lovely little blog. it's all about breaking out of my shell and becoming my most confident self. I don't really like doing anything alone. coffee, dinner, the gyno -- you name it, I don't like it sans partner. I landed myself at a local coffee shop on a perfect sunday afternoon -- if you don't think torrential rain and 50 mph winds is perfect weather I don't want to know you.

I went to yoga (because I'm all peaceful and intellectual and shit) and decided that afterwards I would go have breakfast at a coffee shop on main in downtown. and let me just make it known that this was a completely spontaneous trip after my girlfriend cancelled brunch (I still hate you -- not really, but kinda). I wanted to go out to breakfast after yoga and sweet jesus I was going to do it no matter what. granted it was just oatmeal, but whatever. so I got my oatmeal and hot tea and settled in by the fireplace. I brought my book (some facked up literature called "tumbledown" -- don't read it unless you're on death row and have nothing else to do or something) and relaxed for the next two hours. 

as a huge believer in signs I knew I was where I was supposed to be once I heard the beatles, old school john mayer, and frank sinatra all in a row. and once again, I felt so happy that I could just burst in to tears. I just really don't think there's anything better than torrential downpour, soft lighting, hot tea, and a book. and dear god you mix those elements together and you have pure ecstasy. it was so peaceful and I enjoyed myself so much that I didn't even mind the creepy man with the toupee staring at me (sir, buy a goddamn comb and do something about that situation). 

I've also decided that my next solo activity needs to be me hauling ass to the doctors to get a xanax script -- I can't deal with holding back happy tears much longer. I need to pull it the fack together. 

things I learned:
1) I still hate oatmeal, even if I eat it in a very klassy establishment while I'm feeling all sorts of confident and powerful.
2) apparently girls who appear to attend church for a living do in fact rebel. I'm looking at you man with the dirtiest dreads I've ever seen, I know you probably kidnapped her.
3) people actually wear super bowl leather jackets. um what?
4) I know I said vodka makes the world go round, but I really think it's the beatles. mix the two together and you're dead.

oh, and I actually took pictures this time around -- I'm really coming in to my own, y'all! and I didn't say they were good ... 

$8 wine cheers all around!

the scene of the crime. 

just wanted to show you all this barf I ate for breakfast. why is oatmeal considered a meal? someone help with this.

proof that people (women at that) wear super bowl leather jackets. 1) like who even manufactures these things? 2) lady, be thankful I didn't tackle you and throw you in my trunk to take you shopping. 3) I've never heard anyone bitch at their child as much as you did. I blame the jacket. 4) I tried to make my cup the focal point since a man with a sitar was sitting behind me and undoubtedly judging me. 


  1. 1. your oatmeal looks creepy (plus, I don't think oatmeal counts as a whole meal let alone brunch)
    2. how did you manage to order a tray of tea or whatever that was?
    3. wanna chill over thanksgiv?
    4. you shoulda been in chi today-- tornado warnings, flash floods, & thunderstorms allllll day long. perfection? maybe until i decided to walk to the grocery store mid-torrential downpour


  2. Also take note that if the bills ever make the playoffs let alone win a superbowl in my lifetime i will buy one of those jackets and wear it around you forever (although i will never let anyone see it but you)
